Grow with one another
Providing opportunities that lead to meaningful relationships in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ
We desire to provide opportunities that lead to meaningful relationships in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ. To make this a reality, we offer growth groups—men with men and women with women—for times of study, prayer, and conversation. While studying Scripture will always be at the core of our time together, these groups will offer much more than a simple study. They will include tools to teach us how to engage in the Word with one another as well as share the victories and struggles of our daily lives. Our hope is that these times together will result in relationships where we listen, encourage, and support one another practically, emotionally, and spiritually. We desire these groups to foster a deeper love for God and one another within the men and women of our church.
If you would like more info or if you would like to sign up for a group, please fill out the form below.