21 Days of Prayer & Praise

Since 2018, we’ve set aside 21 days in November for prayer and praise. Each year, we host special gatherings, offer daily encouragement, and provide resources for you to pray. This year, we plan to connect online and in person to pray for God to move among us. Here’s how you can join in: 

Since we are walking through a season of transition, each week-day on our social media platforms, a church member will pray through a Psalm of Ascent (Psalms120-134). Scholars believe that these psalms were sung by worshippers as they ascended the road to Jerusalem to attend the three pilgrim festivals.  We’ll pray them as we journey together, following God into the future. 

Secondly, you are encouraged to spend time in the morning, afternoon, and evening in prayer. You’ll find below prayer prompts and Scriptures designed to focus our attention during your daily prayers:

Finally, please join us on 11/7 and 11/14 from 5-6 pm at FBC-SH for prayer and praise. These gatherings will include childcare for children in kindergarten and younger. We look forward to seeing how God will move during this season of prayer and praise.