Begin With Prayer
February Emphasis | Begin With Prayer…for one-another
Three ways to fulfill this goal:
Read—“Beginning A Praying Life”
Beginning a Praying Life is a booklet based on the bestselling book A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. This handy, pocket-sized primer is an easy way to inspire someone who is new to prayer, or to reignite passion in someone who is stuck in attempts to develop a consistent prayer life. It identifies six cures for cynicism in prayer, and each one becomes a bit more challenging: (1) Be warm but wary, (2) learn to hope again, (3) develop a childlike spirit, (4) cultivate a thankful spirit, (5) practice repentance, and (6) develop an eye for Jesus. Personal stories are woven throughout, and often the author showcases his own lack of faith to prove his point. Beginning a Praying Life makes for a practical handout to begin a lifelong change of heart about why and how to pray (taken from the website).
Write—BCF Prayer Journal
You’ve been given a journal to accompany your journey in prayer. Use this journal to jot down what the Lord is teaching you, to scribble thoughts that come to mind throughout the day, and to incorporate names of people that God leads your way within our church. Even if writing is not a strong suit of yours, make time to put down how God is using this emphasis on prayer to change you.
Pray—Personally & At Prayer Gatherings
Consider starting and ending your days in February with prayer. Use your prayer journal to pray over people in our church that God brings to mind. Consider asking and then praying for the following:
- Where is pain? Pray for healing and grace to endure
- Where is brokenness? Pray for restoration and reconciliation
- Where is a lack of resources? Pray for faith and provision
- Where is sin? Pray for confession and forgiveness.
Also, make your plans for the following Payer Sessions:
- Facebook Live Sessions: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 @ 8:30 pm
- Prayer Gathering: 2/27 @ 7:00 pm. Location TBD